Why is math so hard? Take a look at the most common reasons why math is hard for students


Mathematics is often considered to be one of the most challenging subjects for students. Recent surveys report that 37% of teens aged 13-17 found math to be harder than other subjects -the highest ranked overall. So, if you're out there wondering, "why do I struggle with math so much?" there may be a number of reasons, from attention difficulties to from past math classes or even just lack of practice. Take a look at common reasons students struggle with math, and how to find the right help you need to succeed. 

1) Attention difficulties

One reason why math is hard to understand is because it often involves multi-step problems, and students need to be able to perform several consecutive steps to find a solution. This requires staying actively focused on the task at hand. When complex math procedures are being taught, students often lose focus and become distracted during the lesson. As a result, he or she may miss important steps in the problem-solving process, and later struggle with math when trying to complete problems on their own. Being able to revisit prior concepts that were previously unclear is one of the main benefits of Tutor Doctor's individualized approach towards learning.

2) Math always builds upon previous concepts

Math is built on sequential learning. If a student didn't fully understand a previous lesson's concept, they are likely to struggle when newer concepts are introduced. To reduce fractions, students need to know division first; to do algebra, students need to be comfortable with multi-step arithmetic, and so on. Unfortunately, many students who are struggling with math feel uncomfortable or embarrassed asking questions in class when their teacher has already moved on to the next lesson. Math concepts are like building blocks, and the foundation always needs to be laid before moving forward. If the foundation isn't there, the student will struggle in class and may not fully realize why they are struggling with math when their peers seem to be progressing along. 

3) Concepts are learned, but not understood

Often times students know how to perform an operation from repetition, but don't really understand the meaning behind it. For example, times-table memorization has always been a staple of elementary school curriculum. However, a student may only know that "4 x 4 = 16" because he or she memorized it, and not because they fully understand the concept of multiplication. For this reason, many students benefit from visual representations, such as using small objects (like marbles or paperclips) when learning multiplication and division. The fact is, all students learn differently, and it can be hard to encompass every student's unique learning style in a classroom. That's where individualized tutoring can really help those who struggle with math!

4) Lack of practice or patience

Many students simply don't spend enough time practicing math concepts. Other students may not realize they need more time reviewing certain areas. Sometimes a student will feel like they understand a concept, but when attempting to do a problem themselves, they don't know how to begin (or end up struggling through the process). Students will often feel confident after watching their teacher explain the lesson in class, only to find that doing it independently can be a lot more challenging. There's unfortunately no quick and easy solution to learn math -it requires lots of practice and patience! As tutors, we try to specifically identify the areas in which students need improvement and focus on closing these "gaps" in learning.

5) When am I ever going to use this?

This classic line is a favorite of every math teacher, but more importantly signifies many student's opinions that they will never use these skills outside of a classroom. In other words, students often have trouble connecting math to reality and seeing how it is applied in daily life. For instance, a student that struggles with fractions may have trouble understanding how to convert the fraction ½ to the decimal 0.50. However, the same student has no problem understanding that "half a dollar" is equal to 50 cents. This is a great example of the disconnect students sometimes experience when struggling with math.

Studies show that math is one of the few disciplines that is accessible to all students, no matter their natural abilities. Being good at math is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. While natural talents and abilities will give some students an edge, math is really just about practice. That means that everyone can do well at math, despite what they might believe. Having a 'can do' attitude is the most important factor in math success.

As we've talked about in previous blog posts,learning types can be separated into three categories visual learners, auditory learners, and tactile learners. Some students struggling with math won't understand fractions by being told 4/8 is really "one half." However, when visualizing a pizza with 8 slices, they suddenly understand that 4 slices would indeed be half the pizza! It is crucial for a student to recognize how mathematical concepts actually relate to real life in order for them to truly understand the material.