For CBSE 9th class students
who think math is tough

We make math easy

Learn old and new concepts, test and improve fast

Guaranteed passing and marks improvement

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old concept classes, foundation classes and more


9th Class Math

Old Concept Classes
Foundation Classes
Warmup Classes

Math Foundation
recovery plan

9th Class Math

Confidence Classes
Current Course
Mind Map

Math Course
current plan

9th Class Math

AI Enabled Advisor
Periodic Tests
Math Tricks

Math Advance
improvement plan

What is here


Test, Practise and Improve

Students see questions and few options, they get a chance to recall, think and easily memorize facts

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Get AI enabled Analytics

AI presents questions in a customized way and provides analytics to measure improvement

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Guaranteed Improvement

It involves interaction of students and AI system, improvement is guaranteed and easily measurable

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Thousands of Students
Millions of Questions
Unlimited number of Tests